5 Signs You Need an Arborist Consultation

Trees are not just an important part of the aesthetic in your yard, they're also a key part of the local ecosystem that they help to support. While trees may seem to take care of themselves, they often run into issues that cause them to need support. If left unchecked a sick or dying tree can pose a threat to the surrounding trees, as well as your home's well-being. 

When you notice changes no matter how big or small, it's always a good idea to get an arborist consultation to ensure that your tree is doing well. Taking care of your trees can be a stressful undertaking, but you don't have to tackle this on your own. 

Here we cover five of the top signs that it's time to call an arborist so that your trees stay happy and looking their best. 

1. Get an Arborist Consultation When Trees Are Too Big

Sometimes trees are planted based on the added style they bring to a yard, without regard to their mature size and the room that they have to grow in. While this may not show up immediately, with a few years of growth, this can begin to pose a problem.

Trees that are growing too fast, or are quickly running out of space can be a cause for concern as these trees can run root systems that wreak havoc on your house's foundation, pipe structures, and even city property that you could be liable for.

When this happens, a professional is needed to evaluate and provide you with an arborist report with the best course of action. 

2. Discolored Trees

It's not easy to always know what your trees are trying to tell you when they become discolored or sickly looking. It could be something as simple as needing deep root fertilization or something more serious like root rot and fungal diseases.

Some signs of nutrient deficiency in trees include:

  • leaf drop

  • malformed leaves

  • chlorosis or yellowing in leaves

  • withering new growth

Ensuring that your tree gets the appropriate fertilizer will go a long way in ensuring that it can better withstand other stressors when they happen. 

3. Tree Pruning Services Cover Fallen Branches

It's inevitable that your trees will experience weak or falling branches. Depending on where the tree is located this can either mean a minor inconvenience or a serious hazard to your house and family.

For branches that have already fallen, they're usually too heavy to safely remove yourself. Having an arborist care tree service come out and assess the situation can save you from potential costs later down the road.

As an arborist it is part of their job to trim and break down branches properly, ensuring that the wood gets properly disposed of.

4. There's an Infestation

Pests often plague trees without showing signs until later stages. No matter what size your tree is, getting ahead of pests is crucial to the survival of your tree.

Pests like the Asian Long-Horned Beetle can infest and kill many species of trees. Insects like these make it almost impossible to save a tree with this type of infestation.

Having an arborist check your trees regularly can help keep not just your tree healthy, but others that surround it as well. 

5. You Have a Dead Tree

Sometimes whether due to age, pest, or disease it's impossible to save a tree. This leaves you with a dead tree in your yard that's taking up space.

Depending on where you live you may need a tree removal permit to take the tree down. An arborist will help you with this process, to ensure that all the proper steps have been taken.

It's important that you ensure the arborist you hire is a licensed specialist that properly informs you of all your options. This way you make the decision that's right for you.

When in Doubt, Call a Professional

Caring for a tree isn't always the easiest thing in the world, but that shouldn't deter you from the added beauty, the support they give to nature, and the fresh greenery that trees add to your landscape.

An arborist consultation can help you determine what your tree needs and provide you with an in-depth report on your tree.

At Maguire Tree Care we have you covered with all of your tree needs, no matter what kind of problem you're faced with.

Contact us today, to ensure your tree is taken care of by the best.

Paul Maguire