3 Reasons to Get an Arborist Consultation

Beautiful, lush trees in your yard can increase your property's value by an average of 7%. And in high-income areas, this number can be as high as 15%!

Yet, raising the value of your property isn't the only reason to care about the health of your trees. 

So keep reading for three reasons to schedule an arborist consultationtoday. 

1. Tree Inspection, Health, and Safety

Tree care starts with an inspection. An arborist consultant can conduct an assessment to evaluate your trees, their surroundings, and the land's infrastructure. 

For instance, trees are home to pests like termites, borers, and fungi. Pests can spread to other property trees and your home, causing structural or siding problems. If these pests get out of control, they can hurt the health of the trees and those living near them. 

Further, the soil can influence how tree roots affect your home's foundation. The cost to deal with problems to your foundation will be significantly higher than arborist consultation costs. Not to mention, if you're trying to sell your home, you'll struggle to find a buyer when foundation problems persist. 

Knowing more about the land and trees will allow your arborist to develop a care and maintenance plan. While regular maintenance and pruning help with curb appeal, more importantly, they help trees stay healthy.

2. Removal and Planting

Inevitably, sometimes you'll need to remove a tree. Of course, dead and diseased trees don't increase property value. 

Regardless of why you're removing the tree, you need arborist consulting services. Removing a tree is dangerous. It risks your life and your land. Plus, tree removal requires specific tools.

Have an expert carry out the work for everyone's benefit. 

Consulting an arborist is also necessary when you want to plant new trees. They will know which trees survive best in your climate.

Additionally, an arborist can help you choose a species for a specific purpose. For example, do you want a fruit tree or something that will provide a lot of shade for those hot summer months?

Adding suitable trees to your yard will be enjoyable for years but also increase your home's value.

3. Emergency Services

You may require emergency tree care if you experience high winds or a storm. Luckily, arborist consultations are available in such cases. 

After a storm, never try to remove large debris without the assistance of experts. Tree limbs can fall and cause injury. This is especially true if the tree is close to a power line or sidewalk. 

Sometimes, you cannot see the damage from a storm, which poses more hazards. An arborist can identify these unseen problems. They can also determine whether a tree has proper structural support and if it needs cables or braces. 

Always wait for a professional to help after an emergency to ensure everyone's safety. 

Schedule Your Arborist Consultation  

With an arborist consultation, you can understand the health of your trees and your land. With this information, you can create a gorgeous, healthy environment for your family to enjoy, while increasing your property's value.

So contact us now to request a quote or learn more about our Moss Beach and San Mateo tree care services. At Maguire Tree Care, we are passionate about creating beautiful landscapes for our clients. 

Paul Maguire