The Importance of Local Tree Trimming in the Summer Months

Summer is here, and your trees have survived the dormant months. As you look across your lawn, you wonder if you should have pruned the tree months ago.  

It would be best to avoid tree trimming during the summer when most trees are full of lush green foliage unless it's unavoidable.

Tree care services in the summer months help keep trees safe and healthy. Keep reading to learn more about local tree trimming during the summer and when it's okay.

Local Tree Trimming Gets Rid of Climbing Vines

Climbing vines growing on a tree may seem harmless. When left unattended, they become intrusive and can damage the tree's structure. These climbers grow faster in the summer months and should get removed. 

A Moss Breach tree service company can determine the best way to remove these nuisance vines. It's important to note they also attract insects. 

Newly Transplanted Tree

Newly transplanted trees must adapt to their new home. Not only is the tree trying to survive in a new environment, but it also wants to protect the existing foliage. 

Transplanting a tree during the summer months is a gamble if you don't have experience. Trimming the tree following the transplant is recommended but seek the advice of a nursery that offers tree care nurseries. 

Storm Damage

To protect trees damaged during a storm, it is highly recommended that you call a local tree trimming provider to remove damaged branches. The tree trimmer will know how to properly remove the branches and cut away splintered pieces.

Call the power company first if the branches are near or touching power lines.

Powerline Clearance Cutting

Speaking of local power companies, they are required to maintain a clearance near their power lines. If you live in a community that hasn't converted to underground power lines, chances are you've experienced returning home to find your trees butchered.

Unfortunately, power companies contract with local tree trimmingcompanies whose only job is to create the clearance. If your perfectly manicured shade tree needs to get reshaped, call a San Mateo County tree care company that offers tree trimming services.

Local Tree Trimming to Maintain Healthy Growth 

There are instances where tree trimming in the summer months is unavoidable. For instance, California is known for its fruit trees. To keep your trees healthy, you'll need to consistently thin out the tree to improve its fruit production. 

Evergreens can tolerate a light tree trimming during the summer months to maintain the tree's shape. Sap-producing hardwood trees are best pruned in the summer months because the trees are drier and not oozing with sap.  

Trimming trees for health reasons is acceptable regardless of the season.

Enjoy the Shade

Outside of these reasons to invest in local tree trimming services, you should wait until dormant months to trim your trees. If you have other reasons, consult professional tree trimmers for expert advice.

Maguire Tree Care is Moss Beach tree trimmers offering professional tree pruning services. Contact us today to request a free quote.

Paul Maguire